Are you attending or throwing a party where you’ll be surrounded by all of your closest, most dearest friends? Those of which have been there for you through thick and thin? That have stood by you regardless of the situation? Friends that have pulled numerous, embarrassing practical jokes on you, just to laugh and laugh and laugh at you? Would you like to be the one who gets the laugh tonight? Perhaps at your Bachelorette Party?
These practical joke shots contain non-toxic ingredients that will make them want to puke. Simple grocery store items that will shock and surprise them. They’ll start making big spectacles of themselves, and everybody will be laughing with you. Just scroll through the recipe names and you’ll get a good idea of what I’m talking about.
The ingredients are suggestions and guidelines. If you think of something totally disgusting that you want to put in it, just find the recipe and substitute it in there. The same goes with the flavor of the Jello. Grape hides things the best, but if you want to change it up for whatever reason, feel free.
Anchovie Surprise (You tell them it’s a Grape Pucker Pleaser)
One 3-ounce package grape Jello
1 cup water
1 cup grape juice
20 or more anchovies from a can
(You can substitute for any other gross items you can think of to push in the middle here.)
Makes 20 shots.
1. In a small saucepan, bring water to a low boil.
2. Pour grape Jello into a medium heatproof bowl. Then add the boiling water and stir until the gelatinis dissolved. Allow to cool.
3. Add the grape juice to the cooled mixture. Stir until well combined. Refrigerate in a bowl until thickened and slightly set. About 15 minutes.
4. Pour mix into your little cups. Using a chopstick or toothpick, push an anchovie into the middle of each shot, making sure that it doesn’t stick up out of the shot. The trick is to hide it well. Chill until firm, about 4 – 6 hours.
Pickle Juice Prank (you tell them it’s a Mexican Breeze)
4 ounces water
One 3-ounce package lime green gelatin
1 ½ cups pickle juice
Makes 20 shots.
1. In a small saucepan, bring water to a low boil.
2. Pour lime Jello into a medium heatproof bowl. Then add the boiling water and stir until the gelatin is dissolved. Allow to cool.
3. Add the pickle juice to the cooled mixture. Stir until well combined. Refrigerate in a bowl until thickened and slightly set. About 15 minutes.
4. Pour mix into your little cups. Using a chopstick or toothpick, push a sardine into the middle ofeach shot, making sure that it doesn’t stick up out of the shot. The trick is to hide it well. Chill until firm, about 4 – 6 hours.
More CHEESE PLEASE! (you tell them it’s a Purple Moon)
One 3-ounce package grape Jello
1 cup water
1 cup grape juice
20 small 1” cubes of block cheese (any kind)
Makes 20 shots.
1. In a small saucepan, bring water to a low boil.
2. Pour grape Jello into a medium heatproof bowl. Then add the boiling water and stir until the gelatinis dissolved. Allow to cool.
3. Add the grape juice to the cooled mixture. Stir until well combined. Refrigerate in a bowl until thickened and slightly set. About 15 minutes.
4. Pour mix into your little cups. Using a chopstick or toothpick, push a cheese block into the middleof each shot, making sure that it doesn’t stick up out of the shot. The trick is to hide it well. Chilluntil firm, about 4 – 6 hours.
I Love Mayo (You tell them it’s Strawberry Cheesecake)
First layer:
One 3-ounce package lemon Jello
2 cups water (Or substitute pickle juice for added grossness. This is the bottom layer. It will hide the smell.)
Middle layer:
1 ¼ cup Mayonaise (Eeeew.. You can substitute Mayo for any nasty crap you can think of to put in there.)
Third layer:
One 3-ounce package strawberry Jello
2 cups water
Makes 40 shots.
1. First layer: Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. In a medium, heatproof bowl, stir together lemon Jello and boiling water until gelatin in completely dissolved. Mix well and allow to sit for 3 minutes.
2. Fill your little cups up almost half way with the mix, and then refrigerate for 1 hour, then start the next layer.
3. Third layer: Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. In a medium, heatproof bowl, stir together strawberry Jello and boiling water until gelatin in completely dissolved. Mix well.
4. Do NOT put it in the little cups yet. Let the “third layer” mixture chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
5. Middle layer and Assembly: Remove the half-full shots and the bowl with the third layer mix from the fridge. Put a little over 1 teaspoon dollop of cool mayonnaise over the bottom layer in each shot cup.
6. Slowly fill the cups up the rest of the way with the “third layer” mixture in the bowl. Refrigerate shots for 2 hours until firm.